ACTA facultatis theological Universitatis Comenianae Bratislaviensis is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which aims to present the results of scientific activity as professionals and doctoral students working at the faculty, as well as authors from other universities and scientific institutions in Slovakia and abroad in all theological and related disciplines.

ACTA 2/2024

The issue 2/2024 is available in pdf format for download in the Archive.


Enigma of quantum indeterminacy in a deterministic universe on the background of Aristotelian-Everett´s metaphysics

Summary: The aim of the article is to recall paradoxical fact that within the scope of probing fundamental elements of reality, the complex interaction of determinism and indeterminism continues to engage physicists and philosophers for extensive periods. The Everett’s multiverse proposition as significant shift from the usually prefered ´incomplete´ interpretations, acentuates the underlying uncertainty central to quantum theory, and maybe even different physical laws in various universes. The quantum universe, characterized by its probabilistic essence and non-local interactions, confronts conventional deterministic models, urging a reconsideration of our foundational comprehension of reality. The rise of quantum indeterminacy brings forward significant queries about reality's nature, causal connections, and the limitations of human understanding. However, as investigation progresses into the quantum domain, a possible connection between determinism and indeterminism necessitates a detailed and multifaceted scrutiny to decode the enigmas central to quantum phenomena, with the eventual insights from Aristotelian metaphysics. By examining the historical context in conjunction with the theoretical ramifications of indeterminacy, academics can now better maneuver through the complex structure of quantum mechanics and its associated philosophical dimensions, thereby illuminating the core enigmas of the cosmos.

P. RNDr. ThLic. Jiří Kučera, M.A., PhD.
Catholic University in Ružomberok
Faculty of Philosophy

Foundations of Lasting Peace from the Perspective of Jacques Maritain

Summary: Finding the foundations of lasting peace in today’s society - globalized on one hand, yet increasingly divided on the other - is no simple task. This article focuses on the thought of Jacques Maritain, who in his conception drew on Thomas Aquinas, considering inner peace to be an effect of the virtue of charity, while war represents its deficiency. Thomas Aquinas situates peace and war within an ethical-moral framework, focusing on how a person should live and act in order to act rightly even in times of conflict, avoiding sin and safeguarding their salvation. He views inner peace as an internal state that manifests in outward behaviour and actions, that is, in external peace. Maritain identifies the foundations of lasting peace in human nature, which serves as the basis for human rights. Although diverse metaphysical and philosophical approaches may lead to mutual understanding on a theoretical level, there is also a practical dimension that enables agreement. This agreement fosters mutual understanding and cooperation, where friendship plays a vital role.

Doc. PhDr. Oľga Gavendová, PhD.
Comenius University Bratislava
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Department of Christian Philosophy and Historical Sciences

Freedom of expression in a conflict of rights

Summary: Freedom of expression is one of the issues that society considers important for various reasons. Its application, however, gives rise to many conflicts. This article discusses the conflicts that come from both plurality of opinions and misunderstanding of freedom of expression. It focuses on the conflicts between the individual and the totalitarian regime. Then there is a discussion of the conflict of rights which can be the result of the practicing of freedom of expression. This conflict can often only be resolved by authoritarian intervention, restricting the application of certain rights. The attempt to resolve the conflict and define the necessary restrictions leads to the need to rely on a concrete justification and derivation of human rights. The paper relies on a justification of rights based on an analysis of human nature, specifically the understanding of human beings as rational and free beings, capable of acting responsibly and naturally forming human society with others. From such an analysis, a response to the conflicts of opinion will emerge in the synergy of tolerance and paresis.

Mgr. Gašpar Fronc
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Department of Christian Philosophy and Historical Sciences

The path of Edith Stein: from Husserl to Thomas Aquinas

Summary: The study analyses, how Edith Stein compares the teaching of her both masters of thought. The comparison concerns the Edmund Husserl´s phenomenology and Thomas Aquinas´s philosophy of being. Starting from the idea of the philosophy, Edith Stein focuses on the link between the two ways of thinking, which are different for the content, social background and for the epistemological approach. Tough appear some common point, it is necessary to keep in mind, that the intentionality of knowledge isn´t compatible with the Thomism’s realism, which deals with the being´s intelligibility.

PhDr. Jozef Uram, PhD.
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Department of Christian Philosophy and Historical Sciences

Analysis of Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi on the Liturgical Formation of the People of God, Part 3 (Desid. des. 42 – 45)

Summary: Since Pope Francis' document on the liturgical formation of the People of God, entitled Desiderio Desideravi, has stirred considerable controversy in Slovakia, we have decided to analyze its message in broad terms to demonstrate how deeply this apostolic letter is rooted in the tradition of the Catholic Church. Additionally, we aim to show how thoroughly and thoughtfully the Holy Father discusses and explains the essence of every liturgical celebration, particularly the Holy Mass. Our objective is to compare the content of this document, point by point, with the biblical, patristic, and doctrinal traditions of the Church. By doing so, we will demonstrate that, as always, Pope Francis carefully emphasizes the most significant and necessary aspects of Catholic doctrine, not only to explain them but also to guide the faithful in renewing their faith through liturgical celebrations.

Doc. Mgr. Róbert Horka, PhD.
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Department of Biblical Studies

Prof. ThDr. Pavol Farkaš, PhD.
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Department of Biblical Studies

Diarium Seminarii episcopalis Nitriensis 1775 – 1784 as a valuable historical source

Summary: The diary of the seminary, which we have tried to present, is a unique source bringing valuable data to the knowledge of the history of the seminary in Nitra, the city of Nitra and the entire Nitra diocese. It also describes the liturgical life in the churches of Nitra, important events in the region as well as a considerable amount of meteorological data. This article is a small contribution to the yet little processed history of the seminary. Since the history of individual seminaries belongs to the prehistory of the modern Roman Catholic Faculty of Theology of Cyril and Methodius, it will also serve to a deeper knowledge of the history of this educational institution.

ThLic. Martin Bošanský, PhD.
Diocesan archives in Nitra


KAŠPAR, Karel.
Papež proti válce. Skutky a nikoliv pouhá slová papeže míru Benedikta XV.
Pstruží: Lukáš Lhoťan, 2023, ss. 80.
ISBN 978-80-88352-22-8.

Rudolf Manik

Published/updated on 13.01.2025