ACTA facultatis theological Universitatis Comenianae Bratislaviensis is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which aims to present the results of scientific activity as professionals and doctoral students working at the faculty, as well as authors from other universities and scientific institutions in Slovakia and abroad in all theological and related disciplines.

ACTA 2/2023

The issue 2/2023 is available in pdf format for download in the Archive.


Participation in the synodal path of the Catholic Church with the relational, reflective and

Summary: This review article analyses, in the light of contemporary Church documents and through the prism of practice, the fundamental relationship between the diocesan bishop and the priest. In three parts, it approaches and analyses the meaning of this hierarchical relationship, which is threatened on the one hand by paternalism and juridicism and on the other hand, in turn, by an unwillingness to build a deeper than collegial relationship. At the same time, the article encourages, in the light of a double motivation to strengthen the relationship of the presbyterium with the bishop: the first motivation isan ontological-sacramental and the second one motivation has a historical-ecclesial nature. Both these motivations make possible, that the obedience in the hierarchical relationship is also rationally supported and does not stand only on human sympathies.

ThDr. Alexander Knorr, PhD.
Comenius University Bratislava
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Department of Practical Theology

Exclusion of the good of progeny according to the jurisprudence of the Roman Rota

Summary: Marriage arises by mutual consent of the engaged couple who give themselves to and accept each other so as to create marriage. The words of the marriage vows must correspond to the parties’ intention. Such accord is supposed until the contrary is proved. The contradiction before the engaged couple’s intention and the words of the marriage vows is cause of a defect of marital consent. Therefore if the engaged, at the moment of contracting mariage, intend to exclude marriage itself or any of its essential properties or elements, they contract marriage invalidly. The good of progeny which, according to the jurisprudence of the Roman Rota, includes three substantial elements: the good of the spouses, birth of progeny and the upbringing thereof, belongs to the substantial elements of marriage. The engaged must not exclude any of these elements at the moment of contracting marriage. If they did so, their marriage would be contracted invalidly.

ICLic. Mgr. et Mgr. Šimon Polívka, PhD.
Diocesan Court of the Diocese of Litoměřice

The legend of the holy sisters Pudentiana and Prasseda and the beginnings of the Roman Church

Summary: Our contribution aims to present mysterious figures from the period of antiquity of Saints Pudentiane and Praxedis, the daughters of Senator Pudens, whose ancient legends identify them among the first people to be converted in Rome by the Apostle Paul. Pudens owned a villa, the remains of which are nine meters below the present basilica (for centuries it was believed to be the oldest Christian church in Rome), in which he hid persecuted Christians, according to some sources, even the Apostle Peter. When Pudens died a martyr, they built Praxedis and Pudentiane with the consent of Pope Pius I in 142/145 AD in the father's house a baptistery for the baptism of new Christians. However, during the persecution of Emperor Antonio Pius, Praxedis and Pudentiane were also tortured. After the death of Pudentiane, Praxedis used the heritage of her family to build the church "sub titulo Praxedis". She hid many persecuted Christians, and when they were exposed and tortured, she gathered their bodies and buried them in the cemetery of St. Priscilla on Via Salaria, where she was later buried in the grave with her sister and father. Legends say so much, our scientific interest was aroused by the proximity of the Basilica of Santa Pudentiane and the Roman synagogue Oratorio Castro as a symbol of the 2000 years of the mysterious coexistence of religions they serve for the peaceful development of human civilization in the sense of Pope Francis' encyclicals.

Prof. Dr. Ing. Inocent-Mária Vladimír Szaniszló OP. PhD.
The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas „Angelicum“
The Mater Ecclesiae Higher Institute of Religious Studies

The beginnings of implementation of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council in the Diocese of Banská Bystrica

Summary: Sixty years have passed since the opening of the Second Vatican Council, and yet its liturgical reform seems to be questioned and misunderstood by traditionalist-minded contemporaries. The aim of this study is to look at the first steps of the implementation of the Council's liturgical regulations into life in Slovakia, specifically in the Diocese of Banská Bystrica. Among the most important elements of this reform are certainly the liturgy in the language of the people, the celebration of the priest facing the people and the active involvement of the laity in the liturgical celebration. The restored ancient components of the liturgical space like altar, sedes and ambo are also closely associated with this subject. In this study we trace the regulations published in the circulars of the episcopate during and after the Council, as well as the instructions of the state authorities with which the priests gradually became familiar and assimilated in the early years of the practical implementation of the liturgical reform in the arrangement of churches.

Mgr. Marián Juhaniak
Palacký University Olomouc
Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology
Department of Systematic Theology and Christian Philosophy

The Slavonic Benedictine Congregation

Summary: Since 1776, the Benedictine Convent of Komárno was a House of the Hungarian Benedictine Congregation (established in 1514). After the creation of the Slavonic Benedictine Congregation in 1945, the Convent became sui iuris with decree of the Congregation for Religious in the Vatican in September 1947, and a House of the Slavonic Benedictine Congregation of Saint Adalbert and Saint Margaret (OSB). In this overview we find the introduction of the meaning of the word Congregation in the Benedictine interpretation, the Congregations in Benedictine History and in the History of East-Central Europe. Then the Author describes the short history of the Slavonic one, with special regard to the dispersion during Communism, and the refoundation after the Annus Mirabilis in 1989, he offers some statistical data of the Monasteries united in this Congregation in 1925 and in 2015. In the Tables a list of the Benedictine Congregations is offered according to the Pontifical approval until 1959.

Ádám Somorjai, OSB, PhD.
Benedictine of Pannonhalma
Vatican Archivist Emeritus
Benedictine Archabbey Pannonhalma

Theology as the divine science: Historical and analogical or ahistorical and illogical?

Summary: What is theology? What way of thinking does the study of theology presuppose? Is theology irreconcilable with the modern historical consciousness? Based on the lectures on theology in John Henry Newman's work The Idea of the University, we consider theology the science of God in the broader sense of the word, that is, in the sense of a systematic study. This science has a unique position in the system of sciences due to its specific subject, which is God. Theology is not ahistorical; its methods correspond to the conditions of human cognition, because it is the only way of cognition available to us as humans. It examines the truths about God that are based on historical Revelation. It is therefore a historical reflection on God based on God’s historical Revelation. The method of theology is at the same time analogical and spiritual, in the sense of investigating and learning the truths about God through the deeds, teachings and the mind of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Ján Dolný, S.T.D.
Centre for Biblical Studies
and Near Eastern World




URAM, Jozef.
Byť človekom. Filozofická antropológia.
Nitra: Kňazský seminár sv. Gorazda, 2023. 137 s.
ISBN 978-80-89481-66-8

Oľga Gavendová


Published/updated on 03.01.2024