ACTA facultatis theological Universitatis Comenianae Bratislaviensis is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which aims to present the results of scientific activity as professionals and doctoral students working at the faculty, as well as authors from other universities and scientific institutions in Slovakia and abroad in all theological and related disciplines.


ACTA facultatis theological Universitatis Comenianae Bratislaviensis is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which aims to present the results of scientific activity as professionals and doctoral students working at the faculty, as well as authors from other universities and scientific institutions in Slovakia and abroad in all theological and related disciplines.


Comenius University
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Kapitulská 26
814 58 Bratislava
IČO: 0039786510

Web (fakulta):


Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of Cyril and Methodius
Kapitulská 26
814 58 Bratislava 1
Tel./fax +421 2 54 43 51 09
Tel. +421 2 32 77 71 01

E-mail: acta (at)

ISSN 1335-8081 (print)
ISSN 2644-6928 (on-line)
EV 1180/2008

ACTA is included in the following databases:

Periodicity: twice a year

Price per copy: 5 Eur

The magazine can be ordered by email: acta-objednavky (at)

Open Access     

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Published/updated on 21.05.2024